Monday, September 29, 2014

The idelible link between Prostitution and Rape

In my vast understanding of the criminal mind and my 54 years on the planet, certain truths have not escaped me.  Religion is created by men for men.  Does that mean there is no God?  Surely not.  Did God place his powers and glory in the hands of man?  Certainly not.  When I say man I mean the male as opposed to the female.  At our masjids the women and the men pray separately with the women confined to more backwards lesser spots.  Who made such rules?  Was it God?  Certainly not.

This brings me to the topic at hand:  prostitution and rape.  IN my view the only difference is that on one situation, the woman consents and is paid money.  There is no real difference.  Hence, the lack of care compassion or concern for victims of rape,  Usually the women are poor and without means.  The law treats them as second or third class citizens.  Until such time as women are held and viewed with dignity and respects in all walks of life the current climate of sexual attack will continue.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Fool me Once....Fool me 12 times?

I cannot believe that the world will once again fall for the stupid tricks of a group of thugs.  So, we arm the Syria moderate coalition and 2 years from now, our own bullets will come back upon us.  Such stupid people actually running governments....mashallah..........

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Eerie quiet.............

on this side of the world things are quite quiet...I do not like them so quiet.  Usually means that some huge shit-storm is about to go on the loose.  I am worried about the west and about what kind of storm these nutbags are about to unleash...............WORRIED..........

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Allah Hu Akbar..........

mashallh.........shukriah to my brothers and sisters

Vive la Henrico

It is this sort of nonsense that drives me and all righteous Pakistanis crazy.....why on dear Allah does this happen

Viva La Henrico
najoo panni ununptha......Lahore Pakistan

No matter.....I will keep the flame alive

From the hills of the NWP to the borders with India, I will keep the flames alive.  For the freedoms of my past and the peoples that have come before.  I will not relent or forget....

Viva la Henrico

Henrico, Peshawar and Lahore---all in Common

Lahore can be an unkindly place where many things both past and present can go unforeseen.  I am trying to chronicle the past and the present as my country of Punjab and ergo Pakistan struggle with both extremism as well Islam.  I have been detained , arrested and followed by security forces from many administrations.  Fundamentally no one here can have a mind or a view without drawing unwanted attention. 

I find irony that both the United States and small places like Henrico Virginia were colonized by the same persons who colonized Lahore and Peshawar.  I mention Henrico because my distant cousin Asif Ashram Gill lived there a few years back and spoke of its ways and laws.

What will we become?  I am not a criminal but am treated like one.